
Exterior repairs of the Tertianum Zurich/ZH

The development was part of a 2001 competition won by the architects Althammer Hochuli. They later carried out the design of the residential buildings in the north of the Hürlimannareal, while IttenBrechbühl realised the retirement home.

The façade is clad with open-pored quartzite slabs. The roof edge details, balcony balustrades and window sills were designed without a weather drip. This led to excessive wetting of the natural stone. The result was a strong algae formation in the pores with a clearly visible discolouration of the surface, with partial moss growth. Mechanically, there was no problem, and it is possible this was a desired visual effect of the architects, but the residents found it disturbing.

In coordination with the Office of Urban Development, we developed a constructive weather protection. We applied window sills and roof edges in the same colour as the windows, we cleaned the façade thoroughly and finally provided it with an open-pored impregnation.

PSP Mangement AG, Seestrasse 353, 8038 Zürich

Gesamtleitung, Architektur

Fassadenplanung: Stäger + Nägeli AG

Realisation: März bis Juni 2020
Erstellungskosten (BKP 1-5): CHF 1.2 Mio.